







Takashi used to wrestle and take himself seriously, but that he was a comic figure is now apparent to all including himself with his mask and get-up since he officially wrestles as a joke. He has not told his son what he does for a living, but the boy finds out and lies to his school-mate about his father's line of work


Director=Kyôhei Fujimura


Ryohei Otani - AsianWiki. Oswaldo Jun 02 2015 2:04 am hey hello! greetings from México City for all. i´m fan of Riisa Naka,really adore her since the first time that i saw is so cute for me.


Riisa Naka - AsianWiki. Danny Feb 25 2017 11:31 am Was watching "We Got Married as a Job" and saw him with a beard, thought he really looks like Takenouchi Yutaka in his younger days, like Long Vacation (1997.

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